NORTH.CHURCH Podcast with Pastor Rodney Fouts
Weekly bible-centered messages from Pastor Rodney Fouts, lead pastor at NORTH.CHURCH in Oklahoma City.
Podcasting since 2015 • 520 episodes
NORTH.CHURCH Podcast with Pastor Rodney Fouts
Latest Episodes
Revival | Peter Reeves | Jesus is > - Mark 5
In the final day of Revival, Peter Reeves preaches about the greatness of Jesus, declaring that He is greater than our struggles, fears, and limitations. He illustrates this through the story of the demon-possessed man in Mark 5, showing how Je...

Revival | Jabin Chavez | How to Surrender to God - Genesis 32
On day three of Revival, Pastor Jabin Chavez preached on the story of Jacob wrestling with God in Genesis 32, using it as a powerful metaphor for surrendering to God. He emphasizes that we must stop running from our past, admit our struggles, a...

Revival | Dr. Manny Arango | Out of Order - John 4
On day two of Revival, Dr. Manny Arango’s sermon, centered on the idea of living water from John 4, encourages us to seek the eternal and sustaining refreshment that comes from God rather than temporary fulfillment from worldly sources. He expl...

Revival | Mercy Lokulutu | The Sound of Revival - Acts 2
Opening up Revival, we welcomed Mercy Lokulutu last night as she preached on "The Sound of Revival", emphasizing that true revival doesn’t start with what we do, but with what we hear. From Acts 2 to Blind Bartimaeus, we see that breakthrough a...

In the Beginning | Week 7 | The Practice of the Presence - Romans 8
In the final week of "In the Beginning", Pastor Rodney’s sermon, “The Practice of The Presence,” emphasizes that God’s presence is the foundation of our redemption, transformation, and guidance. Drawing from Romans 8 and Exodus 33-40, he highli...