NORTH.CHURCH Podcast with Pastor Rodney Fouts

Be Glad | Week 4 | Restoring the Lost

NORTH.CHURCH with Pastor Rodney Fouts

In week four of "Be Glad", Pastor Samson preaches from Psalm 80 where the people of Israel cry out for God's grace and restoration after facing the consequences of their sins. They acknowledge their abandonment of God, which has led to their suffering and loss. He illustrates how the psalmist uses three metaphors to describe the relationship between God and Israel: a shepherd guiding his sheep, a gardener tending to his vine, and a restorer who will save them. Through this sermon, we are reminded that we often do not realize we are lost until we experience the pain of our own actions, but there is hope and redemption through God's grace. By turning to God and recognizing our need for a savior, we can find new life and salvation. Listen and be challenged.

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