NORTH.CHURCH Podcast with Pastor Rodney Fouts
Weekly bible-centered messages from Pastor Rodney Fouts, lead pastor at NORTH.CHURCH in Oklahoma City.
NORTH.CHURCH Podcast with Pastor Rodney Fouts
Build His Church | Week 10 | Before There Was A Christmas - Micah 5
Pastor Rodney's sermon, "Before There Was a Christmas," explores the profound truths about God's eternal plan, promise, prophecy, and person—fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Before the traditions and celebrations of Christmas existed, God had a plan for redemption. The Bible unfolds a consistent promise of salvation, from Genesis to the ultimate fulfillment in Christ, foreshadowed through Old Testament prophecies and realized in the New Testament. The message emphasizes that the entire Bible points to Jesus, the centerpiece of God's story, who came to offer eternal hope and peace to humanity through His birth, life, death, and resurrection. Listen and be challenged.